Privacy Policy

KFX is founded on the principle of assisting people to discover greater value within the currency exchange community. We know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy very seriously. By visiting the KFX website, using the KFX mobile application, registering with KFX, or using any KFX services, you are accepting and agree to comply with this policy.

This Privacy Policy covers KFX's treatment of personal information that KFX gathers when you are on the KFX website, when you use the KFX mobile application, and when you use KFX services. This policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that KFX does not own or control, or to individuals that KFX does not employ or manage.

Information Collected by KFX

We only collect personal information that is relevant to the purpose of our website, mobile application or services. This information allows us to provide you with a customized and efficient experience. We collect the following types of information from our KFX users:

Information You Provide To Us

1) We receive and store any information you enter on our website, our mobile application or provide to us in any other way. You can choose not to provide us with certain information, but then you may not be able to take advantage of many of our features.

2) Registration: In order for you to use certain KFX services you must register. As part of this registration process, we require certain personal information including your first name, last name and your email address. Our lawful basis for collecting personal information from you is to provide our services and to communicate with you with your consent when you register with us. Our collection of personal information from you is limited to information that we require in order to provide our services to you.

3) User Profile: To allow you to express yourself beyond just the information collected during registration, we enable you to provide additional information, such as your first and last names, email address, social media account links, a bio, and website URL. In addition, you may choose to include photos of yourself in your profile. As indicated below, in the section titled "Sharing Your Information", you can control how your information is displayed and used.

4) You have the right to edit, update, access, or transfer your personal information, or to delete your personal information if you are terminating your registration with KFX.